Law & Order: Mother's Milk (2000)
Season 10, Episode 12
Breastfeeding not the culprit
8 May 2020
Breastfeeding got a bad rap in this episode. Breast is best but it isn't easy to accomplish in a bottlefeeding world. The lactation consultant in this episode was correct that women have breastfed for millennia but she was wrong to insist that this immature and isolated mother do so. The lactation consultant should have known that through "the millennia" many new mothers received plenty of support from the community so that they can concentrate on the breast feeding relationship with baby. The mother in this ep did not have or seek this support and her husband was no help

Also, bottle feeding is no panacea; depressed or detached parents find mixing formula, sanitizing bottles and heating the contents without using the microwave to be a challenge.

As a registered dietitian, a lay breastfeeding counselor in the 1980-90's and former breastfeeding mom myself, I would never make a client sign a contract agreeing to breastfeed at all costs as did the show's counselor. Our goal was to instead enable the mother and family to make an informed decision about the best way to feed their infant. Most of us would have determined that the baby in this episode was doing poorly and the parents were not caring for the infant including feeding How? By counseling new mothers by phone. We also held monthly mothers meetings or pen to mom's, dad's and babies plus speakers about relevant topics. We rarely had parents who seemed to be as unfit as those in this episode but we sometimes had to call the baby's pediatrician or mother's ob gyn.

Today in Pennsylvania, as a health care provider, I would have to report them to the authorities.
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