Review of Perkins' 14

Perkins' 14 (2009)
Setting bars
8 May 2020
Or maybe breaking bars? Who really knows, when something like that plays mostly in a prison/police station? The viewer should actually know or be able to make up his own mind of course, that's why I'm leaving that up to you. Richard Brake is a delight, though I would have liked it even more if he'd been the main police character, but hey we'll take what we get.

Very paranormal, very intriguing and very violent. Things that you should embrace and not be fearful of. Having said that, I hope you don't mind the many flaws. I almost deducted one point of my rating because of how irrational one female ran off outside from a safe room almost near the end ... it was to move away from that location, but it didn't make actual sense. Apart from giving us (the characters) a reason to get outside and in peril again ... ah well, still decent enough for what it is, low budget horror
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