Over all it was OK
29 April 2020
After seeing the whole season, I can't help but feel slightly disappointed in how underwhelming this series turned out to be. Being tied to the Penny Dreadful of the past, hopes were high as was expectations. Unfortunately, this show bearing the name "Penny Dreadful" has seemed to work against its favour. Even though this show is a new incarnation set in the universe of Penny Dreadful (2014) and is in itself it's entirely own separate show, one would still think it would contain the same elements that made Penny Dreadful the amazing show that it was. The acting was always on point, the characters were interesting, it was shot beautifully, and it had many plots that had the potential to be great. Yet, in the end, this series seemed like it was just a giant set up for season 2, which I'm not sure we'll even get based on the ratings. I felt as if though it just kept building and building to something to happen but nothing ever really did. My family members soon lost interest and quit early on because it was 'Boring'. Which in a sense I agree with. There were maybe a few episodes (<50%) where 'exciting' things happened that made you glue your eyes to the TV screen. At its best however, City of Angels was pretty good. There were a couple episodes that I thought were amazing, but overall it seems like a missed opportunity. This show hasn't yet figured out what the actual plot is or the point of its existence... with some many plots there's no central focus. I'm not sure exactly what I'm watching or what it's about. It seems more like a love story than anything else. It's also funny (for a lack of a better word) that this show is set in the 1930s yet mirrors exactly what's happening in the world right now. Yet, before people were calling to "too political".

I still found it watchable, but just can't help but think I wanted it to be so much more. I'm hoping there's a season 2 as I like the characters and would like to know what happens next as again it seems to be building to something good. Though, I said that this whole season.

Also, if there is a season 2, let's have the supernatural more prominent please! That's what made Penny Dreadful so interesting in the first place. Even though Natalie Dormer (who was amazing) was in practically every scene as the demon Magda, it's not the same as seeing say Vampires, or the Witches as she's just playing a human character. And Santa Meurte maybe had 5 minutes of screen time the whole series?

Here's to hoping a renewal from Showtime will allow this show to fully blossom and be a worthy successor to the always phenomenal Penny Dreadful.
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