Review of Twin

Twin (2019)
More contrivance than substance
28 April 2020
The idea of a story where a man impersonates his identical twin sounds intriguing; unfortunately, 'Twin' doesn't quite manage to pull it off. It relies, as many dramas seem to do, on characters acting irrationally after being involved in events where they fear they might be liable to criminal prosecution. There's just no real meat to the story; we see a fraud of convenience, designed to be conducted only in the short term, and in the full knowledge of the one character who might otherwise be most affected by it. There's a back story - the difficult prior relationship of the two brothers - but we never really get to the bottom of that either. There are some good ideas, notably the view the protagonist gets of his own real life from an outside perspective; but overall the setup is just too contrived. The north Norwegian scenery at least provides a stunning backdrop to the tale.
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