Latin Lovers (1953)
Turner & Montalban Gorgeous but Big Bonus is Rita Moreno
27 April 2020
There is enough music in this film-minus the big name singers and dancers of the era-to make it a must-see musical. Although at times her hair looks like actual platinum, Lana Turner appears in so many mind-bogglingly gorgeous outfits that her wardrobe alone makes the movie worth watching. Then there is Ricardo Montalban in perhaps the sexiest (especially for those who remember him as Khan in Star Trek) film role of his career as a leading man, his singing voice dubbed by one Carlos Julio Ramírez in "A Little More of Your Amour." My favorite lines from that song: "Your samba is a stand-out, but I wish that you would hand out a little more of your amore." Turner is gorgeous throughout, and Montalban equals her sexiness on every level. Next-to-the-best treat: the great Rita Morena as the jealous Brazilian who stands in contrast to the excesses of wealth on display in the film. Bonus: Jean Hagen (of "Singin' in the Rain") as Turner's sidekick.
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