The Master of Ballantrae (1984 TV Movie)
Costumed Soap Opera Cheese Masquerading as Historical Fiction
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think the director told Michael York (Jamie) this was a freshman psychiatry video about sociopathy and narcissism. His one-dimensional character radiates hollow, superficial charm, without any semblance of human decency or redeeming qualities.

John-Boy (Henry) is his usual bland incelf, which is appropriate because he's literally a cuckold through most of this movie.

I've always found Brian Blessed to be a fantastic actor and commanding presence, but his "Captain Teach" is a clownish caricature of Blackbeard. He has some silly moments in "Flash Gordon" too, but that's deliberately lighthearted / tongue-in-cheek. This is supposed to be drama, yet he is FAR more over the top, laughing maniacally, constantly, for no apparent reason.

The ending is ludicrous. Henry has spent the whole movie bullied and humiliated by Jamie until - obsessed by jealous rage - he contracts to have him killed. Jamie takes a potion, appears to die, is buried, and survives with no oxygen for three days (!) - just long enough to regain consciousness when Henry digs him up; warn him he'll torment him forever, and keel over. Henry then lightswitches into Mr. Fun Husband and Dad, and lives happily ever after.
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