Decent Saw-clone saved by Sutherland
20 April 2020
This movie is a clearly inspired by the movie Saw.. so much so that Saw is mentioned several times in the movie. Anyhow, I dont mind that. All movies are inspired by something.

Without Donald Sutherland this would not have worked at all. He is such a presence, and you (well I anyway) just enjoy watching him act! Unfortunately, right by his side is Vincent Kartheiser. Not that he does a bad job, per se, but he is just totally not charming. He does not have a single iota of charisma. Also, and this is not pc, I know, but he has the saddest looking body I could possibly imagine. I know, I know, that shouldn't matter.. but I just hate skinny arms on men, especially completely untrained arms like his. and on a chubby torso? Come on. Pick up a weight will ya?

Ok, that unfair ranting about his body aside, he's jsut very unmemorable. Almost so unmemorable that he becomes memorable. If that was the point, then I salute!

Anyway, the movie is ok. Most of the actors are just good enough, but nothing more. Except the Donald, of course. I kept watching mostly just to find out what would happen in the end. It was ok.
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