It's a mad world
14 April 2020
Barbara Stanwyck seemed incapable of giving a bad performance, even when the film was not good (and some of her films are not that) and regardless of the quality of what she was given. Am not as in love with Henry Fonda, but he did give fine performances and that is including his performance in another collaboration with him and Stanwyck 'The Lady Eve' (a classic and a much better film). Hattie McDaniel was always a scene stealer.

'The Mad Miss Manton' to me was very entertaining, has a lot more good with it than bad and does nothing to waste its fine cast or the talent involved. It is not great, would put it more in the pretty good category myself and there are a few quite big flaws all story-related, so it is not hard to see why as to why some may not be totally enamoured by it. Those that love Stanwyck, Fonda or both will be glad to see that they are well served and that in the right mind-set there should be a lot to enjoy.

In terms of the story, 'The Mad Miss Manton' is pretty slight and formulaic. A lot more could have done with the mystery aspect of the plot, it tended to lack suspense and surprises and it gets convoluted towards the end.

Also felt that the romance was introduced too out of the blue and didn't have enough time to develop, so it feels too hasty. Not through any fault of Stanwyck and Fonda, but more the writing.

However, Stanwyck is in more light-hearted form, compared to her more dramatic roles that she did at this point of her career, and she is a delight wih the right lightness of touch while giving steel at the same time. Fonda is more subdued but does mild mannered amiably and he has good timing. He and Stanwyck sparkled more in 'The Lady Eve', but they do work together very well here. Sam Levane is amusing, even if he is playing an incompetent character, but the best supporting performance belongs to McDaniel, bringing plenty of sparkling sass to hilarious effect.

Even if 'The Mad Miss Manton' may not be a lavish looking film as such, it is well photographed and Stanwyck looks great. The film is efficiently directed and the music fits nicely mood-wise. The pace is crisp throughout and the script is deliciously witty. The story is far from perfect, but is still lots of fun and charming. If the mystery aspect was more up to scratch it would have made even more impact.

Overall, pretty good if not great. 7/10
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