A medieval sword and sandal film
7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A bit of a misnomer there for the title don't you think. I didn't detect the devil at work here, the story takes place in medieval times and calls to mind a Robin Hood adventure more than anything else. There's lots and lots of swordplay and a little jousting, and I had to wince more than once when the archers didn't use a proper grip for their bows, instead using their fingertips to release their arrows. You would think the film makers would have consulted someone on that. On the flip side, the cinematography and period costuming is quite good, but not enough to compensate for the dreary story line. The stylish queen Georgelle (Norma Sebre) looked stunning in her choice of single colored gowns, but I always marvel at the use of eye shadow going back centuries in time. Did they really have that back in the fifteen and sixteen hundreds? Spanish horror master Paul Naschy deserved better than this, but hey, you can't win them all.
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