"Would you cut out that ridiculous mumbo-jumbo!"
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Your first hint that this might be an awful flick comes right at the opening, when it's revealed that "The Thirsty Dead" is being brought to you by the International Amusement Corporation. Can you say oxymoron?

As I was watching this, I had to wonder why the four kidnapped women brought to the tropical jungle outpost of Baru (John Considine) and Ranu (Tani Guthrie) never really got all that concerned about getting back to where they were abducted from. Perhaps they were mesmerized by Baru's eclectic looking outfit, reminiscent of what those classy aliens would wear on the original Star Trek TV series. The 'thirsty dead' concept might have held some resonance if this was even remotely scary, but even when the scantily clad abductees were forced to recline on those rock slabs for the ritual blood-letting ceremony, they didn't seem all that worked up about it. Those flashing upraised knives would have been all the hint I needed that this little adventure was going south.

With a seventy five percent survival rate (one of the four original abductees didn't make it), the glamour gals make their escape, but don't ask me why Baru decided to jump ship on the death cult. Without his daily dose of blood potion he withered up and met his end with a stabbing sensation to the chest. I tell you what though, the guy riding by in his jeep probably felt like the luckiest guy in the Philippines to pick up three babes in bikinis. Some guys have all the luck.
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