Tough Guy (1936)
A killer with a heart of gold! Only in movies!
25 March 2020
Freddie (Jackie Cooper) is an incredibly weird and stupid child. He comes from a wealthy family but runs away because he feels neglected emotionally. This might be true....and that's not why he's weird and stupid....more about that in a minute. After running away with his doggy (Rin Tin Tin Jr.), the pair hide out in an armored car (???). Soon the car is attacked by vicious criminals and soon the boy and dog are taken captive. Now here's where it gets weird...and stupid. The boy and the gang leader (Joseph Calleia) soon become buddies and they take off together with the dog and hide out from the law. Now this kid appears to be about 12 or so...a bit old to be hanging out with his best buddy, a most-wanted criminal! But the boy and crook inexplicably hit it off and soon they are making plans for a life together. What's next....see the film.

The notion of most 12 year-olds becoming BFFs with a most-wanted criminal seems a bit hard to believe. Now had the kid been a complete sociopath then it would have made sense...but this didn't. Not a terrible film...but an illogical one. No...wait...when the pair sang..then it WAS pretty terrible!
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