Terrible and awesome but more terrible
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a child, I would peruse the horror VHS section of my local video store and look at the box art. I remember many covers distinctly even after twenty-five years have passed. Had I seen "Little Dead Rotting Hood" back then, I'm sure it would stick in my mind too. That is the reason I checked it out after seeing it on Netflix and many other places since it's release.

The film is directed by The Asylum's vetran Jared Cohn. He is one of the better directors they use, and this film is leagues above most of their work. That does not mean it is generally good. It is not at all. What it manages to be is actually entertaining as a low budget werewolf film. A lot of The Asylum's work is not only bereft of entertainment but also bereft of effort.

The film actually features plenty of nudity and practical effects. The werewolves are mostly played by real-life canines in most circumstances and the makeup is on point. Horror fans can always appreciate good gore effects. The blood is neither too syrupy or excessive. The animal actors physically interact with the victims when they are attacking them. If only that aspect was good. The werewolf attacks are a blurry mess. The camera shakes all over the place permitting the viewer to see nothing.

The blurry attacks are better than the CGI transformation. Cohn knew these effects were trashy and thankfully limited their presence. Seriously, the CGI looks like it was from a 1990s movie. The "fights" between Red Rotting Hood and the CGI monster are laughably bad. The monster is so obviously not there. Perhaps this is why Red seems to get her butt kicked so badly? It gives the fake looking monster some unjustified screen credential.

The actors are competent and professional. You might recognize a few from daytime TV shows. The story they have to work with is unworthy of their mild talents. Red is an undead "guardian" of the town from the werewolf den mother. The den mother's connection to the town seems to have deep roots we learn nothing about. Why does the den mother have a lackey other than delivery of dialog? The film has too many characters. The entire thing comes off as if this idea was a season of a TV show that was forced to be a movie instead.

As much of a mess as the film is, it kept my attention. The good parts of it are so good that you forgive its awfulness in other regards. Most of The Asylum's films are so bad there is nothing to forgive. At least there are dogs, blood and even some boobies in Little Dead Rotting Hood!
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