Just watch fight club and thank me later
12 March 2020
Comedy, crime, drama, mystery, sport, thriller.

According to IMDB that's the genres this film falls into.

Unfortunately, there is no category for pointless....or even more precisely weirdly pointless.

I don't understand the kooky allure of Jesse Eisenberg. It may well have worked well in Aaron Sorkin's "The social network".....but he's carried that on.....and well it's.....just Jesse Eisenberg being kooky.

This film is very odd. I presume what they wanted to explore with this was toxic masculinity. They failed.

The comedy is oddball and primarily derived by people talking in a way that no human talks to another unless they are all suffering from the same condition....which is unnecessarily saying things they are thinking in a monotone way. It isn't funny.

It has no elements of the crime genre. There is no major dramatic tension anywhere to be found. The sport of karate is hardly explored.

It definitely isn't thrilling and the only mystery is pretty much obvious from about the middle of the film.

If it was written as an exploration of masculinity...simply put there is no better film than fight club for that.....now that is a comedy, thriller....and so on....and I would argue contains more sport than this load of....

About 2/3rds of the way through this film I felt like walking out....but since it was my home and my tv....I just carried on watching and felt like making sure no one else makes the mistake of wasting their time.

Watch fight club. Just watch fight club. Avoid this. It's weird and pointless.
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