A fearless take on a Polarizing moment in time
29 January 2020
History is written by those who are brave enough to speak it, whether true or false is up to the people who learn it to decide. This movie is an unexplored telling based on unproven accounts given by some who may be telling their truth or may be completely full of crap. It does NOT claim Oj's innocence contrary to what many reviews say. It does however give a slightly different take on what some believe to be true. Will it change the popular opinion? No. What it is, is a fictional telling of a tragedy INSPIRED by true events in a "What if?" scenario based on an alternative account. Every "Based on/Inspired by" movie is an exploitation of the truth however no historical movie can ever be 100% truth or fact because no persons account can ever be 100% accurate and every persons first hand account will always be a biased retelling of their own "facts" That being said I found the movie to be interesting and thought provoking. I found it entertaining and thought all involved did their best to give an honest performance in what they had to know would be a highly criticized movie. Does this movie deserve 10 stars? maybe, maybe not. Does it merit the negative response it has received? absolutely not. The movie industry is fickle at best and it does not go unnoticed that some get away with fabricating truth and twisting plots to suit their own narratives while others are demonized for it. Many popular movie makers have taken similar liberties with the retelling of a story to great acclaim while others are told they have no right to do the same. I have read many other reviews on this movie after watching it and truly believe many of those "reviewers" must not have watched the movie as a whole or are simply are vomiting up a negative response because they are against the subject matter. Not everyone will like this movie, everyone's tastes are different but if you open your mind and watch this movie with the knowledge that it is not 100% fact but a story of "What if?" written by Michael Arter and directed by Dan Farrands as a cinema nod to the horror movies we all love, then like me you might find this movie interesting, thought provoking and entertaining. If Agnes Bruckner's portrayal of Kris Jenner is even remotely accurate to the real Kris Jenner, then as a person who does not keep up with the Kardashian's I have a whole new respect for her as a person and Agnes Bruckner deserves a giant pat on the back. I may actually give the show a chance.
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