The Wallflowers: Heroes (1998 Music Video)
Powerful video
16 January 2020
The theme of this video revolves around a movie with a current 5.4 stars rating .The Wallflowers did not write this song. And being as how I first watched 'Godzilla' when I was eight, and it was something of a staple movie in my elementary school years, I probably have more of an emotional attachment to the movie than I would if I watched it when I was, say, eighteen. And in spite of all this, I think this is one of the better rock music videos ever made. I don't feel the cover of the song despoiled the original version. Like the namesake of the movie this song was used for, it's huge. To take a song of the 80s and update it with a grungier yet fresher, end of the 90s sound, is a small task but a huge feat. The spookiest part of the video is how it foreshadowed the September 11th Twin Tower attacks. Between the destruction of New York City by an unexpected enemy, and the chorus "we can be heroes - just for one day", I can't help but wonder how the band felt when the attacks occurred. Surely this song came to their minds, up from their stomachs and as a lump in their throats. I do have one question: who was the actress who played the honest customer in the convenience store?
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