11 January 2020
Its a grizzly, cold, wet, grey and dark journey into the poor district of birmingham alabamas, drug addicted neighbourhoods. its a film about the fight to survive in a criss crossed, life and death reality, in the crusade of getting the next hit, to protect ones drug businesses, and where nobody, not even family members cant or wont trust eachother in the fight for the next high and in the race for the dollars.

its a film that really hurts to watch, and the realism of it all are grueling and makes you think why,why.....?

as a production what gave me the infectious sting to follow this film are the score. it gives this flick a mesmerizing touch of the suspence, and the film would nothave been the same without it, bravissimo. the filmography and use of light and dark along with a great job from the sound department gives you a thrilling ride you wont forget easily.

there are few words spoken, and most of the dialouges are of the desperate kind, that make a demand on the actors to act well to succeed, and they do.

so if you like to delve into other peoples misery, then ''inherit the viper'' is a good choice.i may also say that this will become one of the best within this genre this year, like ''back fork'' impressed me last year. have a look the grumpy old man says, its good.
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