Intriguing Concept But,
2 January 2020
An intriguing concept but it's just enough to pass the time at the cinema.

The movie delivers in regards of soundtrack, voice cast and in some regards, certain animation sequences. The humour within this movie takes affect when it starts pokes fun at modern day culture and manages to pull it off swiftly. By the looks of it, the movie aims to target the likes of children and young teens and probably would give the adults just an enjoyable movie. The movie also attempts to make certain edgy jokes to appeal to an older audience but other than that, it's a movie mainly made for well children and teenagers. The main message of the movie which is anti-war is also a heartwarming one which deserves some praise.

However, besides all the initial glamour thrown at you within the first 10 minutes you would soon be immersed enough to look past it's initial facade. The movie suffers when it comes to the plot which is something we have seen over a hundred times in other movies and of course a villain that isn't just bland but one without any real motivation other than an event that has occurred in the past which doesn't really hit you as the villain is indeed a boring one.

As a whole, I found myself enjoying the movie but with the given voice cast, the movie could've done a lot more. But then again, I'm not really the target audience of the movie so maybe you will enjoy the movie more than I do.
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