Green Eggs and Ham (2019–2022)
Watch it on your favourite device. Try it, you'll like it! That's my advice.
1 January 2020
Even though the book remains a permanent childhood favourite and a staple of storytime with my daughter, I was skeptical that this could be expanded into an entire series, but the production team really pull it off. The book itself has pretty minimal story (it's not exactly the point of the book itself), so the adaptation turns a simple tale of trying new things into a road-trip and buddy comedy that is whimsical, hilarious, and touching.

The story centers on the two characters of the book, Sam-I-Am, a wildlife rescue expert with a love for Green Eggs and Ham, and Guy-Am-I (previously unnamed in the book), a former inventor who aspires to be a paint watcher. As Sam attempts to rescue a rare an endangered animal, he enlists Guy to help him out, while trying to get him to try his favourite dish.

Despite its Y7 rating, there is a lot for all ages to enjoy, especially those that loved the book as children. Along with the whimsical humour (new supporting character Michelee is employed as a literal bean counter), there are a many pop culture references that mostly Gen-Xers will get, with parodies of Usual Suspects, Shawshank Redemption, and Les Miserables, among others.

So watch it on your favourite screen, watch it while you're getting clean / Watch it with friends or by yourself, even if the book isn't on your shelf / You should watch this Netflix show, you should watch it, that I know!
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