The Last of the Best (At Least Until 2018 Came Along...)
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the darkest movies, if not THE darkest, in the entire Dragon Ball series, and it's not too hard to see why. Like SSJAniFan said on July 27th, 2003, there have been good movies (in my case, 5 and 8), bad movies, (in my case, 12... sadly), and those overhated ones that I think are really good in between (in my case, 11 and 9), and this one goes up in the #3 spot of my Top 3 favorite DBZ films (with Bio-Broly being #2 and Cooler's Revenge obviously taking the #1 spot).

It introduces a Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time like character (i.e. Tapion) who has an ocarina and an awesome sword, similar to the one Future Trunks has. He acts like Yoshikage Kira for the first half of the movie, wanting Goten and Trunks to leave him alone constantly as he wants to live in peace, even though the boys try to be polite. However, the two eventually bond, and Tapion even considers Trunks his brother.

Once Hirudegarn is released however, havoc ensues. There's enough explosions for a war movie, and the city is in ruins. Eventually, the surprisingly-unlikely team up of Goku and Trunks save the day, with Trunks cutting off the ginormous Majin's tail, and Goku killing the gigantic beast with a Dragon Fist, which he would later continue to use in the sadly non-canon Dragon Ball GT.

Overall, I think that this is one of the best Dragon Ball films of all time, with the final battle and Tapion and Trunks' bond being the highlights of the film. To me, it's not as good as Bio-Broly or Cooler's Revenge were, but it definitely ranks up there.
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