Review of Rotten

Rotten (2018–2019)
Illuminating and frustrating docuseries on industrial food practices...
19 December 2019
The second season of this show was similar to the first, focusing on the industrial processes and environmental harms of so much of what we consume. The first had episodes on honey, peanuts, garlic, chicken, milk, and fish, while the second season covered avocados, chocolate, water, sugar, wine, and marijuana edibles. It's a really good show, well produced and thought provoking, and made me think twice about the products I buy in the supermarket. I do take umbrage, however, with the tone of the last episode of S02, on pot edibles in Amsterdam and in the U.S. While I'm sure they were aiming for impartiality, too much of the episode ended up being like "Reefer Madness", using scare tactics to convince viewers that pot legalization is moving too fast. That's balderdash and one quote alone shows the fallacy of the "war on drugs":

"...enforcement of federal and state marijuana laws costs eight billion dollars a year..."

It's pure insanity that we waste so much money, and incarcerate way too many black and brown people, for something that should never have been illegal in the first place. All the money that's spent fighting a plant that is patently less harmful than alcohol is asinine. Soapbox rant aside, I'd definitely recommend watching S02; all the episodes are illuminating and interesting (and infuriating and frustrating).
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