Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
If you didn't like season 8, you weren't paying attention
7 December 2019
I don't understand the people who were disappointed in season 8. I've literally read everything written or sanctioned by GRRM on A Song of Ice and Fire and was not disappointed in any aspect of this TV show. IMO, it is the most amazingly excellent show ever made. The only reason I can think that people don't like it is 1) people tend to be lemmings and are influenced by people who are often stupider than they are so they let their opinions become poisoned by others and simply jump on the bandwagon when others say they don't like it 2) misunderstanding or lack of thoughtful consideration of the characters, themes, and plots of the entire series 3) irrational misperception that the fewer number of episodes in the last 2 seasons meant the writers and producers were paying short shrift to the story which is clearly not the case when you consider the episode lengths, the predicted number of total episodes from the outset, and the fact that there was resolution to all major plot lines and characters that remained true to the character's story arcs and nature. If they were to investigate, those who say the season was rushed would learn that there was only suppose to be a season 7 with 13 episodes, but with the enormously ambitious scale of these last 2 seasons, the producers were forced to break it into 2 seasons with fewer episodes per season (although these were exceptionally long episodes so the total time was nearly the same. This was done to allow time for post production without the need for an even longer break between seasons. From the outset they planes for about episodes/hours to tell this story. Guess how many episodes hours there were: 73, some of which were well over an hour. They also began planning seasons 7 and 8, 5 years before they aired so I have yet to see how the argument that they rushed season 8 holds any water. The scale of S8Ep3 was so great that it alone required 18 months of work and years of planning. To even suggest that the team "phoned it in" is absurd and demonstrates the ignorance of the person making that assertion. S8Ep3, The Long Night was layered, complex, a technical miracle, absolutely grueling for the writers, director, producers, and cast and crew, not to mention it's one the single most expensive episodes of TV ever produced and contained the largest and longest battle sequence ever filmed for TV or movies. The writing and editing expertly concealed the direction of the plot, contained several unexpected twists, killed off several beloved characters, and kept the viewer on the edge of their seats. And despite the incredibly length of the battle, they kept it fresh by not dragging out fight scenes, brilliant editing and story sequencing that allowed them to switch between characters and subplots to avoid viewer fatigue. That episode is the embodiment of the word "epic" and I defy any intelligent and informed person to successfully defend the argument that season 8 and especially episode 3 are anything less than ground-breaking and incomparable television. Like I said, I have yet to meet anyone in person or read anything online that makes a cogent argument against it.
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