Braceface (2001–2006)
I used to love Braceface as a teen...
1 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
And as I've been going through the nostalgia bug for the past 5 yrs, I have been rewatching shows from the 90s and 00s. In most of these shows, such as "Hey Arnold!" & "My So Called Life"... even "Parker Lewis Can't Lose," each show has stood the test of time and had a relatability to it despite some if the kiddy lessons and outdated issues.

The main characters are always cool and help to highlight the side characters around them and connect with the viewers. I expected Braceface to be the same. I love Alicia Silverstone and loved Braceface as a tween, so this was a no brainer. After rewatching the entire thing, however, I see just how annoying and lackluster Sharon Spitz and the show is.

While she desires the things that every teen girl wants, making her incredibly relateable, she highlights the worst parts of every teen girl.

1. She has no talents. While everyone around her (including the mean girls) has things they excel at, she cries every few episodes about how terrible she is at everything, instead of finally learning to be good at anything.

2. Did I mention, she cries literally every few episodes?

3. When she is not busy making every mistake in the book, she's intentionally breaking the law and dragging her friends and siblings into it.

Next, despite being an average student, being terrible at interacting with boys, and not being remotely athletic we're supposed to believe that that she gets the most popular guy at school to be her bf and the attention of other "hot" guys, becomes class president, gets the attention of celebs, is the competition of the talented popular girls, has the smartest friends, becomes a camp counselor before she's old enough and so on?

Since it is all unbelievable, we have to assume Sharon always got her way because she's good looking. That was the only thing I could think of to explain why a pretty, popular, talented mean girl would be jealous of her and why celebs/talent agencies would fawn over her.

The only thing she truly stands for is not letting anyone shine over her (not even for a moment), meddling, and animal activism.

The only misfortunes she truly has to deal with is her magical braces. If they didn't do mystical things, Sharon would have zero problems because there's nothing wrong with braces. In fact, people thought they were cool in the 00s.

The animal activism, her family, and friends are probably the only interesting things about her and the show. However, it's not enough to carry it and I'm honestly surprised it got 3 season's, while many classics didn't get the same. Then I remember if I loved it, other little girls did too.
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