Ready or Not (I) (2019)
For the Horror Fan
25 November 2019
You know that when a film garners this much hate and reviews which call it "Sick, sick, sick" and "disgusting", and go on and on about how all the "violence is towards women, blah, blah" ... it has to be something special.

And this one is.

It is resonatingly (yes, I made that up) witty and really quite funny. In fact, it is almost too funny to be a "horror" film, and although it was certainly gory, it had nowhere near the gore of most horror films. It was just right IF you are looking for a film to satisfy the horror-seeking fan in you and which makes you laugh at the same time. In my book, the best of both worlds.

As for the reviews which mention violence towards women: get over it. I'm a woman and I detest women like these reviewers who demand to be seen as something more, but then fail to live up to being able to 'take it'. Grow up. You give real women like me a bad name by association.

In closing, this is one I highly suggest you watch for yourselves and make up your own mind about, but go in knowing that there is humor in it and hardly any scares. In short, a bloody good time.
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