Very funny show rendered unwatchable by director's gimmicky camerawork
23 November 2019
This show is a hoot. It's goofy and funny and all the performances are good. The sets are fun and there are several jokes in the background that are clever. However, one cannot focus on those things due to the director using that hackneyed "shaky camera" technique. It's as though the cameraman was put on a boat while trying to film the scenes taking place on land. It's vertigo- and nausea-inducing and totally unnecessary. The camera never stops swerving around. I recently read a quote by famed Hollywood director George Cukor that is appropriate: "You should never move the camera unless you have to. If you do a lot of fancy footwork, maybe they notice you as a director, but I think it hurts the story." I definitely notice this director and I'd like to give him a good sock in the jaw because he definitely hurts the story. It's as though he didn't trust the writers and the actors to deliver, so he distracts with his own attention-seeking gimmicks. He has ruined what could have been a fun show to watch over and over. Instead, it's unwatchable.
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