Liberality and cultivated taste
19 November 2019
For its initial release, the Oliver Morisco Photoplay Company has chosen a five-reel version of "Pretty, Mrs. Smith," the comedy-drama written by Oliver Morosco and Elmer Harris, in which Fritzi Scheff was starred on Broadway the early part of this season. The filming has been done under the direction ot Hobart Bosworth; and Mr. Morosco, whose name when connected with theatrical management has become synonymous with liberality and cultivated taste, makes it clear at the outset of his career as a film producer, that he intends to pursue the same policy in regard to his photoplays. He has evidently given Mr, Bosworth instructions to obtain the best results possible with the scenario, regardless of cost. Mr. Bosworth's achievement in the way of settings, dramatic action and high-grade photography fully sustains his past reputation. Miss Scheff's debut upon the screen is attended with gratifying success. The vivacity and charm for which her stage work has always been noted will be found in the film version of "Pretty Mrs. Smith." The three husbands are capitally played by Louis Bennison, Forrest Stanley and Owen Moore. - The Moving Picture World, April 10, 1915
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