High Life (2018)
Did Claire Denis Even Want Anyone to Watch This?
8 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I will never understand that camp of filmmakers who make their movies so off putting it's like they don't even want anyone to watch them. Then why make them?

"High Life" feels like a bunch of randomly connected scenes populated by actors performing by themselves that were then edited together later to make it look like they were all in the same movie. These people aren't characters, or at least not characters of any depth that we learn anything about or care anything for. The film is maddeningly obtuse, needlessly so. It's one thing to make an audience do some work in putting the pieces of a film together, but another thing entirely to make that task impossible because you don't give them enough information to do so. I was physically uncomfortable watching this movie, in that fidgety, squirmy way I'm uncomfortable when a movie is so tedious and boring that I'm struggling to pay attention.

And this movie has to have one of the most ridiculous masturbation scenes ever put on screen. I usually adore Juliette Binoche, but oh my goodness was she out of her depth with this one.

Grade: D.
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