Low-budget nonsense best known for alleged plagiarism
3 November 2019
Furry subterranean creatures that latch onto people's necks and take over their brains invade a small town. Probably best known its notable (and supposedly coincidental) similarities to Robert Heinlein's 1951 novel 'The Puppet Masters' and the famous author's resulting lawsuit, "The Brain Eaters' is a ultra-low-budget shocker with little to offer other than an interesting premise (courtesy of Heinlein's imagination?) that unfortunately devolves into a ridiculous story about an invasion by a tiny, fuzzy hypogean megalomaniacs. The acting (including a bearded Leonard "Nemoy"), script and special effects are pretty bad. On the plus side, the downbeat ending is unusual for the genre, some attempts were made to include interesting images (POV, shadows, Dutch angles etc), and the score (courtesy of uncredited Russian masters Shostakovich and Prokofiev) is quite good. Of historical interest only (and even then the film is barely worth watching).
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