The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Nerve Wracking Plunge into Madness. Like Nothing I've Seen Before
20 October 2019
Wow. Eggers follow up to The Witch knocks it out of the park. The Lighthouse is a masterful piece of art like nothing I've seen before. Following Defoe and Pattinson as they tend a Lighthouse. The film wastes no time turning into a disturbing submersion into insanity.

The Lighthouse is undoubtedly an unconventional and bizarre film. Giving the viewer nothing more than two men in one location. The movie manages to pull it off masterfully. Defoe's acting is really one of, if not the strongest aspects of The Lighthouse. His scary ramblings, his facial expressions, his level of commitment to the role are all second to none. I believe so far from what I've seen he deserves the oscar for what would be Best Supporting Actor. A24 recently said they will campaign Pattinson for best actor. Make no mistake, Pattinson absolutely kills it too. However for me, Defoe is the true tour de force performance.

Despite not having a conventional plot, their are some plot points and it's all this film needed to stay cohesive. The imagery in the film is very unsettling and surreal. The dialogue is expertly written and pungent. The score and the sound of The Lighthouse is another strong point, loudly ominous... it works perfectly. The cinematography is beautiful. Everything is firing on all cylinders and it creates one hell of a ride.

The Lighthouse is surely a one of a kind work and one of the best psychological horror films in recent memory. It falls just short of a 10/10 masterpiece for me due some pacing issues and certain events in the film feeling meaningless and repetitive. That being said, The Lighthouse is a true achievement in cinema and currently the best of 2019 for me. I can't wait to see it again. 9.5/10.
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