Chrono Trigger (1995 Video Game)
The best Time Traveling story Super Nintendo RPG game of all time.
11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have played this game as I was growing up this was the best game on Super Nintendo. This was a game that allowed your characters to roam the worlds in different time periods including 65,000,000 BC, 12,000 BC, 600 AD, 1000 AD, 1999 AD, 2300 AD. You get to travel in time first in portal doors, later on in a time machine which later on becomes a flying car. You get to fight enemies in fixed encounters in dungeons instead of those annoying random encounters you would find in Final Fantasy games. I like 6 of the characters you get to play as but 1 character I leave out playing.

This game is about Chrono who wakes up and goes to a Millennial fair at 1000 AD. (We just passed the year 2000 already) to witness Luccas teleportation machine, as Marle is the test subject the machine goes haywire and creates a portal door which sucks Marle in and she is sent 400 years back in time in 600 AD. Chrono volunteers to go back to rescue Marle and meets with Marle at the castle but disappears and Lucca runs over to Chrono and reveals that she's the princess, they head over to the cathedral and runs into monsters and the human Frog meets up with them and they fight the monsters and the boss who was the fake chancellor. They rescue Queen Leene and Marle reappears again, then the 3 go back to the present and Chrono escorts Marle home.

Unfortunately Chrono is arrested and falsely accused of kidnapping Marle and is sent to death row to be executed on the guillotine, but makes his escape the player can either choose to break out of jail or wait until Lucca comes to Chronos rescue, they fight the dragon tank boss and it falls apart and the Chancellor and the 2 guards form a bridge which Chrono and Lucca makes their escape, they run out of the castle and Marle rebels against her father the king and runs away from home, they are pursed in a forest at a dead end screen and Chrono and the 2 girls escape in a time portal from the Chancellor.

They go 1300 years into the future in 2300 AD and discover that Lavos caused the nuclear holocaust in 1999 AD which rained fire bombs and destroy most of the life on planet earth, the humans are now homeless survivors who are hiding out in the domed buildings. The robots and mutant monsters have taken over the city in ruins and sewers. Chrono and the 2 girls fights them, they later meet a robot named Robo who joins them in their party, they sneak into the factory and turns on the power generator to open the door. There's a boss battle and Robo gets repaired by Lucca. All four of them go into the time portal and they end up at the end of time where a man the Guru of time helps them out. They go back to the year 1000 AD and they resolve to fight Lavos.

Chrono and his friends run errands in 600 AD, they also go to 65,000,000 BC and meets with Ayla the barbarian fighter, they also meets with Magus that Chrono and Frog fight at the castle, they also go to the year 12,000 BC in the Ice Age where Queen Zeal has people living on the floating islands Chrono powers Marles pendant and they are kicked out of the kingdom. Chrono gets the time machine Epoch from Belthasar and rescues Melchior, Chrono goes to the Ocean Palace to try to stop Lavos but ends up sacrificing himself to Lavos energy, Chronos allies gets kidnapped by Dalton who files the airplane. They make their escape and Dalton attacks them and the party jumps on Epoch and fights for their time machine defeats Dalton who gets sent to the year 1000 AD and they end up firing lasers and destroys the airplane Blackbird which falls into the ocean.

At this point in the game the player can choose to rescue Chrono or not and they can choose to have Magus join their party or kill him. I don't like to kill him as he has the best Magic spells that other party members don't have, and I usually save Chrono, he can't use dual techniques so it has to be triple techniques or his own spells. You can also do many side quest errands like get the moon stone, rainbow shell.

Also in the Playstation 1, Nintendo DS, Android, iOS, and PC versions of this game you get additional side quests like Arena of the Ages, Lost Sanctum, and Dimensional Vortex. I personally never liked Arena of the Ages so I end up skipping that side quest. Lost Sanctum involves doing fetch quest errands with the Reptites. Dimensional Vortex has the player going though time zones to fight monsters. It can take a while to play though but it's worth it and you get to meet with Dalton who was sucked to the year 1000 AD who will start a war in Chrono Cross and you get to learn what happened to Schala.

Now on to the Characters that I like and don't like.

1. Ayla- I like using her, she's a strong woman who never quits she's also sexy with her bikini outfit. I use a lot, she has high strength and fast speed, I like her Charm spell which steals useful items, like Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Power tabs, speed tabs and magic tabs. She can't use magic but her techniques are always the best to use. Her Dino Tail does more damage when she's low on HPs. She is the best character to use on the Blackbird mission when the allies equipment gets stolen. As you level her up she will get an Iron fist at level 72 and bronze fist at level 96 which does 9999 for every critical hits she lands and you get Spekkio Pink Nu who is the hardest boss to fight next to Dream Devourer.

Chrono- I like using him, he is the main character who cannot leave until the Lavo's Ocean Palace incident. He has high strength and Lighting attack cure and life magic powers and sword powers and the Luminaire spell, he can learn Dual and Triple techniques with his allies except for Magus. You'll lose him at some point in the game but you can save him and get him back at Death Peak with a clone doll. I like using him a lot his sword attacks can damage enemies, you can choose not to bring him back but that gets the player the sad ending which ends on a cliffhanger. I usually bring him back. I also highly recommend using him in the game.

Robo- I usually like using him in this game, he does have high strength but can't use magic but does use shadow Laser and electric attacks and cure beam and strength attacks. I don't like the Area Bomb zone attack very much as it's mostly useless, he also has slow speed so start focusing getting speed tabs to speed him up. At the Geno Dome you're required to have him lead the party to level grind on the conveyor belt. He's useful to have but that slow speed makes it hard for him to be useful early in the game. In the DS remake his Apocalypse Arm does 9999 damage which makes him very useful. Also recommend to use him in the game.

Frog- I somewhat like using Frog in this game, He has decent amount of strength and can use water spells, cure spells that targets all 3 members, His Frog Squash does more damage when he's low on HPs. He is needed in Magus Castle and his Masamune sword can lower enemies magic defense. His Demon Hit is useful against magical enemies. But don't sell Demon Hit or Brave Sword for your new game+ or you'll be forced to use the weak Masamune sword. I would use him in this game. He is good to use in the game.

Magus- He starts off as a enemy but can join your party late in the game. He has a decent amount of strength and can use all 4 spells fire, ice, lightning and shadow attacks including Darkmatter, he also uses magic protect spell. He can use the black hole attack which I find useless unless it on the Son of suns boss minions otherwise I never use it. He won't learn Dual techniques but will learn some triple techniques like Omega Flare and Eternal Darkness. He is good to use but his Doomsickle attack only will get stronger if one or 2 party members are knocked out. He is also good to use in the game. I strongly advise killing Magus in the game unless you want to see the ending with Frog changing back to a human who's Glenn.

Lucca- Lucca is somewhat good in this game, however her gun attacks are weak which are based on hit rate so Power tabs are useless. I like her fire spells and she can be a good balance for lightning and water units and can get delta attack with Marle or Delta Storm with Frog and is good for fighting Magus. I like her protect spell and Flare attack but I'm always running out of MPs for her. In the DS remake she can get a weapon called Spellslinger which damage is determined by MPs so you can't cast spells or it will lose it's power. I don't usually use her too much except at Magus castle.

Marle- First of all I do not like using Marle she is horrible, her bow and arrow attacks are weak which are based on hit rate so Power tabs are useless and she has a few ice spells, single cure spells, Life 2 spell, her haste spell is useful until it becomes obsolete by Haste Helm. The twin charm spell with Ayla is useless she already can use charm without any problems. In the DS remake her Venus Bow actually makes her useful with 777 damage in the early New Game+ stages of the game, after that she's useless. I would leave Marle out of the game for the most part, in my opinion she's the worst fighter in Chrono Trigger.

This was the best time traveling game for SNES which make RPGs more fun to play I liked the music, The 15 multiple endings, I liked the anime cutscenes, I liked the bike race, I didn't like climbing Death peak though especially on Android or iOS which was a pain, I didn't like the soup contest, I usually have to level grind on the Geno Dome conveyor belt to get to level 99. I liked fixed encounter battles though there are some you can't run from.

I wished that this game was on the SNES mini console or Playstation Classic console, it was a mistake to not include this game which I was disappointed in, this game is hard to find on SNES and the Wii Virtual Console is shutdown. It's available on the Playstation 3 Network, I hope there will be a remake soon. Meantime get this on PS1, DS, Android, iOS it's worth your time and money.
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