Oklahoma City (2017)
Mental Illness Disguised as Political Philosophy
18 September 2019
The half-witted anti-government philosophy responsible for the Oklahoma bombing took root in Ronald Reagan's famous quip that the government isn't the solution; it's the problem. Except when it is the solution, which it is for many things we now consider to be modern civilization. What the Hitler-lovers don't understand is that for a society to function, there must be compromise. Most people who live in big cities get this basic concept. Rural hillbillies just want everything their way and don't want to pay taxes.

If you want to see a country without a government, I'd suggest you try Somalia. In theory, this is a libertarian's wet dream, except it isn't because Somalia is a hell-hole of anarchy. Of course, to flea-brains like Timothy McVeigh, their perfect world has individuals running all of the facets of modern life. What a ridiculous concept.

McVeigh, like so many of his ilk, was mentally ill, obviously. He was also a freaking idiot with the IQ of a rodent, an animal to which he bore a remarkable resemblance. Medical examiners at his execution revealed that McVeigh's genitals were also rat-like and inadequate, even to facilitate congress with a small rodent. It's true, look it up! His whole movement is composed of inbred hicks, who when they pool all of their mental resources together still fail to conjugate verbs correctly in the only language that they speak, yet they call themselves the master race. How do they figure?

The thing is, nobody like the cops, and the federal agencies (FBI, ATF et al) did some outrageous things, not just to the far-right freaks, but to lots of people with opposing views, but that's no excuse to go overboard. If they think that they can go toe-to-toe with these agencies, they are dumber than I ever thought they were.

This is the central lie of the militia groups. You can suit up in G.I. Joe clothes and buy guns, but don't think that you could actually oppose a real, state-sponsored army, not even a little bit. As far as opposing the government, it is all we have as a people, the only thing we have purchase on in the quest for power. By limiting government, you are drastically limiting the power of the people and handing it over to the plutocrats, people like Trump and his backers (the people who control him, not those who voted for him).

McVeigh opposes killing Iraqis but goes on to bomb a child care center. This is the sort of loony thinking of these violent groups. He was pulled over after the bombing because he didn't have a plate on the car he was driving? What a complete moron!

I oppose the death penalty, even for a rat-face creep like McVeigh.
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