Review of Temple

Temple (2019–2021)
Really Struggling to Continue with This
15 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
... cough...Story painfully slow...don't know how much longer I can hold on...please send help in the form of quicker story pacing...tell my woman I love her (She gave up after the second episode).

Episode #1: When you consider that the whole premise of the show is built upon a really stupid idea, Temple isn't all bad. The acting is top-notch and Mark Strong can definitely carry a movie or a TV series with little in the way of entourage.

So, his wife is dying of some disease (antibiotic-resistant syphilis, I think), and one man working in a moldy, dank metro tunnel is going to find the cure? With only the help of one half-wit, and little in the way of monetary resources. He performs rogue medical treatments. How much could that net him? Answer: not enough to run his own medical lab.

Just to give an idea of the sometimes tedious and pointless nature of the dialogue, here is one exchange:

  • Lee, this is Daniel Milton.
  • Oh, right. How are you?
  • Oh, fine. Look, I was just wondering whether that offer you made is still on the table, by any chance.
  • Why? Have you changed your mind?
  • Well, that depends.
  • Tell me a little bit about this private location you have.
  • What do you wanna know?
  • Well, how private is it?
  • Oh, very private?
  • How private is very private?
  • Oh, well...

Jesús, as we say in Spanish. This could have been replaced by a single question, "Is your place private?" This sort of thing litters the script again and again. This tells me that the series should have only been four episodes. This is one of my biggest complaints about film and TV, they often take way too long to tell a story. I understand that they want to stretch things out for advertising money or whatever, but that doesn't help the quality of the product.

The skewed storyline confused me at times and questions weren't answered directly, causing me to just think it was stupid.

The side-story with the robbers really takes forever to get off the ground, and getting off the ground was hugely boring as well as slow-a bad combination as most would agree. By episode #4 we have heard nothing about the two million pounds the idiot robber, and instead we're being fed a romance story concerning his half-witted assistant.
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