Review of Alien Code

Alien Code (2018)
Came for the code, stayed for the heady plot
30 August 2019
Okay I have to admit I'm a cryptography nerd, and I was looking for sci-fi films and couldn't help but want to give this a try when I read the plot summary. My immediate reaction was, "Oh boy I can't wait to see what kind of BS movie-software and psuedo-technical drivel this will have," but I was really surprised. This movie actually uses real-world software and cryptography primitives, even showcasing some seemingly functional Java code. Though, I will say that I doubt the world's best cryptographer is going to be using the primitives he chose.

Anyway, the technical aspects of it are not a really substantial feature of the film, but I found the plot itself pretty interesting. It's not the most original idea, and the story-telling kind of leaves some loose ends, but I suppose whether you feel if they're resolved or not depends on your interpretation of the final scene, which has some rather heady postulating--think 'The Matrix Reloaded' scene with Colonel Sanders' look alike, but less pedantic.

I thought the acting could have been better, and I couldn't stand the main protagonist's appearance. His affinity for scotch and beer was touching though. Overall I found it an entertaining story, and a refreshing change in the aspect of its technical details. If you were like me and were hoping to have a laugh at ridiculously fake tech you'll be disappointed in that, but the actual story itself you might find worth a watch.
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