Light of My Life (I) (2019)
This movie broke me!
9 August 2019
Trying to pick up all the pieces of me off the floor after watching "Light of My Life"! This movie absolutely broke me! I fear that a few years ago (before I was a father) I may have shrugged off this movie in favor of something more "action-packed" and "gritty", but now that I am seeing life through the eyes of a father - I am not ashamed to say that I cried through this whole movie. I may be partial (because he is one of my favorite actors) but Casey Affleck perfectly captures the complexities and emotions of fatherhood. The paralyzing fear of losing your child, unconditional and incomprehensible love, the uncertainty of everyday decisions, the balance of discipline/love, the responsibility of providing and protecting, and the uncertainties that come from wondering if you are doing any of it right - are all things that I can deeply relate to and are portrayed with masterful, raw realism. I wish I could write more - but I truly don't think I can even begin to describe even half of what this movie made me feel.
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