Ok for adults, probz perfect for kids.
9 August 2019
You know, I liked the first one, and I liked this.

Unfortunately I saw this one in a press screening with norwegian dubbing. That's hardly ever a good idea. And I'm just saying it right now: I'd probably give this a 7, if I had seen the original. Probably. I don't know for sure.

(Not that the norwegian dub is horrendous, but just very uninspired)

The plot is fairly simple. It could just as easily have been the plot for a 15 minute animated short. But the plot isn't exactly the most important part now is it? Also, plenty of movies have simple plots, yet no one faults them for it.

The animation is decent, the character models too. Especially water (liquid, snow and ice) looks absolutely fantastic! And you know I know what snow looks like, I'm norwegian for crying out loud!

Anyway, this is pretty entertaining, and I think kids will love it. I'm not one to laugh a lot, but there was a scene or a number of scenes, that cracked. me. up.

I was never bored, not that I was super into it either, but pretty good. Doesn't beat the first one, but not bad at all. If I ever watch it again with original audio, I might just come back here ya'll!
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