Giving Climate Change A Run For Its Money...
4 August 2019
This is quite a little gem of a film. As a lover of B-Movie films, this one was right up my alley. In fact, I enjoyed this film so much that I will try and find the novel it was based on.

Something is wrong on the island of Fara. Mainland Britain is in the deepest winter but Fara and its inhabitants are suffering a heatwave, which shows only signs of warming. What makes this such a good film is the story. You have a marriage on the rocks when the third angle of the lover's triangle arrives on the scene. The rising heat changes people and not for the better. A mysterious sound is moving across the island. And something is killing the livestock. The real-life drama anchors realism and believability in the story with the audience. This makes the more fantastic a little more believeable; again with thanks to the writers who give plausible descriptions and reasons for the happenings.

Add to this the fine work of the director, who sets a varied and ideal pace for the story. Terence Fisher is also well adept at creating atmosphere and ambience. When there's a need to creep out the viewer, he creeps them out. And when the action starts he speeds up the tempo to excite.

Then we get to the cast: There's nothing awful I can say about the cast. I mean, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, well, you can't go wrong. Even, Patrick Allen, who usually appears wooden and too loud with his bass tones, comes across impeccable. He quietens his voice, he lessens his persona, and comes across more natural than previous roles I've seen him in. Even the support cast is full of strong actors and actresses, each and every one faultless in their portrayals.

The only downside to this film is the special effects. But this is such a small thing it can be overlooked. It did make me wince when I saw the aliens but then the story, the acting, and the direction kicked back in and everything was well once again.

If you like B-Movies from the '50's and the '60's then this is a film you have to watch - if you haven't already. If you want to know what the genre is all about then give this a try it's a nice entry point movie. All-in-all, this is an entertaining way to waste an evening. It put a smile on my face and a warmth in my heart. So It can't be bad. Looking forward to watching this one again.
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