Good fun, although maybe not sleazy enough for some tastes.
28 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Gas Pump Girls" is an amiable and breezy 1970s drive-in T & A comedy, with the basic premise that a bunch of young people get together to save the failing service station run by Uncle Joe (Huntz Hall of "Bowery Boys" fame). The conniving jerk at the major chain service station across the street tries various underhanded means to ruin the kids' success, but they display some sneaky ingenuity as well.

Interestingly, director Joel Bender, who co-wrote this with producer David A. Davies and Isaac Blech, seems determined to get the T & A out of the way with the opening raunchy scene at the high school graduation. Therefore, viewers may feel that it comes up short in the sleaze department overall. But it's an entertaining story, brought to life by engaging characters, including a trouble-making motorcycle gang named the Vultures (Steve Bond ("Massacre at Central High"), Ken Lerner ("Unlawful Entry"), and Demetre Phillips ("Stone Cold")) who turn out to be good guys after all.

And, of course, the young ladies are lovely whether they're clothed or not. Kirsten Baker ("Friday the 13th Part 2") is the appealing heroine who bursts into song at one point! (The film is not quite a musical, but there are numerous funky disco songs on the soundtrack.) Her friends are played by Linda Lawrence ("Death Dimension"), Sandy Johnson (Judith Myers in the original "Halloween"), Rikki Marin (ex-wife of Cheech Marin who co-starred in a few Cheech & Chong movies), and Leslie King ("The Great American Girl Robbery").

Other familiar faces include Joe E. Ross ('Car 54, Where Are You?') and Mike Mazurki ("Some Like It Hot") as a pair of moronic strong-arm men, Dennis Bowen ("Van Nuys Blvd.") as Bakers' boyfriend, Morris Buchanan ("Coffy") as a gas truck driver, and exploitation veteran John F. Goff (John Carpenters' "The Fog") as a lusty redneck driver.

Overall, the movie is decent fun, refraining from ever being too unpleasant or mean-spirited. It doesn't end quite the way you expect it to, but it still concludes on an upbeat note that allows the audience some satisfaction.

Seven out of 10.
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