The best King's Quest 6 game of all time but the High Resolution version is lost.
24 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have played this game when I was a kid and I loved playing this game, when my family first got the Windows 95 PC computer that introduced me to King's Quest games, Quest for Glory games, although I didn't play Space Quest, Laura Bow or Police Quest until later on in my Adult life. Me and my family including my brothers and sisters loved playing this game over and over. This game includes famous actors from the Disney 1991 movie Beauty and The Beast Robby Benson and the late Tony Jay.

This PC game is about Prince Alexander who's loney for Princess, Cassima, then the magic mirror shows Alex a vision of Cassima being lonely in the land of the Green Isles, Alex tells his mom Valanice that he's traveling on a ship to the Land of the Green Isles, Alex and his sea crew spot the land and they tried to reach the shore but a hurricane thunderstorm came up and sunk the ship and Alexander survives and ended up on the beach. Then the game begins.

First of all I like how the narrator talks, I also like it that the game is much easier to solve than King's Quest III and King's Quest V. I liked Alexanders quotes including "Look here you bully nice bright red!" and "Wait! I must rescue the Princess!" which made me laugh.

You need the royal Insignia ring to get convince the guard dog humans to let him inside the castle with Captain Saladin escorts Alexander to meet Abdul Alhazred and Shimar the Genie. Then Captain Saladin tells him he's not welcome and who bars Alexander from entering the castle, Alexander has to visit town including the Pawn Shop and the Book store. You meet interesting characters including the Pawn shop owner, the Book owner, Jollo and Ferryman who helps Alexander out and he gets the magic map, the old man in the Cloak is Shimar in disguise spying on Alex.

You then get to visit 3 other islands including Isle of Wonder, Isle of the Sacred Mountain, Isle of the Beast, the Isle of the Mist is blocked off until later on in the game. You can get the bird to deliver presents to Cassima at the castle, you'll need the book manual or internet guide for the Cliffs of logic and the Labyrinth puzzle room unless you know it from memory. This was probably made like this to prevent unauthorized copies at the time.

I liked the Bookworm, the Dangling participle the rotten tomato, Stick in the mud and Bump on a log, the hugging vines, the dog face tree and cattails and sleepy Oyster and the 5 sense Gnome guards. The sexy black widow spider. I also liked Lady Celeste who Alexander gets to save from the Minotaur monster and I liked the skeleton dance.

Alex also has to help the 2 chess queens with their feud. He also has to go though the Labyrinth maze which can be easy to get lost and die in.

There's a Beauty and the Beast story where Alex has to find Beauty in the Land of Green Isles and has to offer her beasts ring before he turns into a warthog. If Alexander succeeds in helping Beauty change the Beast back into a prince you now have 2 paths to take, either have Alex become a cross dresser and wear Beauty's clothes to sneak into the castle or take the long path to meet the Druid leader and go to the Land of the Dead and then paint a door into the castle. I think the long path is easier than the short path because you have to deal with guard dogs in the hall and the endings not as good as the long path. Also you'll need to trade with the peddler to the get correct lamp to get the best ending,

There are 3 endings with variations to the game. The short path ending with Shamir disguise being broken by the magic mirror then killed by the mint making him act drunk, or the long path taking to the scary door, meeting the Lord of the Dead, saving Cassimas mom and dad, either getting killed by the mint or Alex making Shamir his master and getting his parent's and everybody gathered at his wedding which Alexander declares his hetero love for Cassima and they lived happily ever after.

Shamir the Genie takes on many disguises including a young boy, a garnderer an old woman and fake Celeste and fake Cassima, I'm surprised that Shamir is a transgender genie in this family friendly PC game. I'm also surprised that Abdul staged a same sex wedding with Shamir so he can pretend to marry Cassima that surprised me as this was made in the 1990s back when it was still taboo and was surprised it was in a family friendly PC game. I'm surprised the game accidentally predicted it though I'm against it.

Anyways the version I like the best is the High Resolution version that worked on Windows 95, 98, 2000, sadly it won't work on Windows XP and the 2006 King's Quest Collection only has the MS-DOS version which isn't as detailed as the Windows High Resolution version which has highly detailed artwork, I miss that version and I'm wondering will I get to play it in the afterlife.

I also went to FanX convention in Salt Lake City and met Robby Benson and dressed up like Prince Alexander, got an autograph and a photo with him, I was surprised he didn't remember voicing King's Quest VI but he always talked about Disney's Beauty and the Beast 1991.

Anyways this will always be my favorite game that Roberta Williams ever made. Alexander would later be in King's Quest 9 in 2015 which I was glad to see. I also got to see King Graham who looked like Gaston make a cameo at the wedding.

I'm sad that my Favorite actor Tony Jay passed away and that the voice actor Chuck McCann who played Jollo also passed away, Also the Hannah Barbara actor Don Messick also passed away, may they rest in peace.

If you haven't played this game, I highly recommend you get this game, yes it's pixelated but it's worth your time. You can buy the downloaded version from Steam and Gog website. I recommend you do so before it becomes unavailable.

I would rate this game rated E-10 for mild violence, peril, tricky gameplay, thematic elements, some scary scenes.
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