Interesting new approach, poorly executed, too americanized.
20 July 2019
I don't see why this series is getting so much hate.

Like most of those writting reviews for this show, I have been a Saint Seiya die hard fan since it was broadcasted in my country somewhere in the early 90s and I have been a fan of this story since then. All movies, All Manga, all series, figures, etc.

Let's get something out of the way. Knights of the Zodiac is an apple that still falls very far from the tree. Period. But then again... what in the Saint Seiya franchise isn't?

Even the original Anime was heavily criticized when it came out because of the great differences with the Manga and made-up sagas. Still most people know Saint Seiya because of the Anime and most don't realize that those of us who read the Mangas consider that the original Anime was a poor production compared to the quality and story delivered by the Manga. I mean we only had to wait over 12 years to see the 1st part of the Hades chapter animated.

If you take that into account and accept the fact that this is an attempt to gain American viewers for this franchise, which is basically unknown in the US you can perhaps enjoy a little of what it does right.

First, what you should really focus on... The story. I thought that the way the story of Seiya is presented to the viewer is fresh and gets your attention in the way that it is different from that in the Manga and the Anime. It gets you thinking "Ok what did you change? tell me". I think the approach is interesting, with enough new elements to keep you interested but without deviating too much from the story we all love.

The animation. Well... remember I said this is poorly executed? The poor executon starts with the animation. Not only is the character design way too cartoonish and childish, the animation itself is terrible. It feels rushed. Textures for eyes look extremely artificial.

Dubbing, I didn't like either. It feels artificial too, although... I guess that depends on the language.

Censorship. This is perhaps the biggest problem I have. Saint Seiya would be so great if someone had the courage to make a dark enough adptation, that it really hurts seeing this surgarcoated version as if the censorship Cartoon Network put on the original Anime wasn't bad enough.

Shun is a girl. Yes. Deal with it. IT MAKES SENSE! I actually don't know why he wasn't a girl in the first place. The original Shun's personality has always been more common in girls than in straight or gay men. Plus it brings an interesting twist to the team and perhaps to the Hades arc (although that's probably not going to happen with such bad reviews, I'd like to see it). I hated when The Legend of Sancturay turned Milo into a woman, because it just didn't make sense, they just did it to be inclusive which is dumb if it is done just for the sake of it... in Shun's case it makes sense. Back in the 90s we all thought he was basically a girl anyway.

Americanization. Some of the humor included in the show, the censorship, the cartoonish style and political correctness is very clearly aimed at amusing and pleasing very a young American audience. Expect that.

All in all, although this show is very, very far from pleasing die hard fans, I think that if you watch it with an open mind and with the understanding that you're not watching a rerun of the original series you might actually find some interesting story elements that can keep you watching it and enjoying it at times. So much hate is an unexplained mystery for me. I know that without noticing I found myself "enjoying it" more than I expected when I first saw the trailer.
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