If It's Dinner At Eight....
19 July 2019
Betty Mack gets Charley a job with her father, Billy Gilbert (mit ein Cherman Accent). Charley thinks it's as an interior decorator. Actually it's as a painter. It seems that Gale Henry is just back from ... well, someplace else, and she wants the kitchen table painted white, while she entertains her snooty guests outside.

So Charley, Billy, and Billy Franey are in the kitchen painting the table white. Except they keep getting paint on each other, resulting in Charley winding up in Whiteface.

There's a nice number of variations on how the three inept painters get paint on each other, and how Charley comes to eat a paintbrush, all leading into Charley singing a hot number. It's not one of Charley's best short comedies, but it's got a lot of well-run gags.
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