Review of Feral

Feral (2017)
Zombiesque Biters
13 July 2019
Feral: If you go down to the woods today you won't get a big surprise because it's students, a bit lost, camping in an isolated forest again. Three couples pitch their tents, two quarrel, the third is happy when an engagement ring is produced. The engagement is short-lived as the guy is attacked and literally eaten alive by a strange shadowy creature, intestines chomped up while the guys screams. His girlfriend is then bitten. (Not a spoiler, happens ten minutes in.) Then they start to turn into ... Zombies? Lots of biting and eating going on. There is also a mysterious but "helpful" hermit. The creatures loos more like Nosferatu style Vampires. The kids of course make stupid decisions even though they are grad-students. Filmed largely in a dimly lit cabin and dark forest, some tension does build up with a few scares and there are strong female characters but this is no classic. Directed and co-written by Mark Young who might have done better with a bigger budget. 6/10.
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