No Offence (I) (2015–2018)
Not for those who take themselves too seriously
1 July 2019
It's dark comedy, and I find it amusing. It's not supposed to be overly serious and factual, just entertaining (although there are some serious parts that I also find well done). A lot of people seem to be over-thinking it. One reviewer likened it to the car crash channel, shocktainment and carried on about mangled bodies; they have apparently confused this with some other show, because I didn't see anything like that. Nothing even close to the violence and gore on say "Criminal Minds" or even the beloved "NCIS". I take offence at the reviewer who said "only childish adults who never left the playground" would find it funny. Lighten up people, this isn't Shakespeare, it's a TV show, and not everyone's cup of tea. Criticize the show but you don't need to slam everyone who enjoys it; just makes you sound sanctimonious and arrogant. I hope the show continues, and I personally will continue to enjoy it.
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