Too PC
1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it overall, but it feels like the agenda of the writer is too on display. It's pro gay in the sense that the only sex I've seen depicted is guy on guy (I'm ok with that, being gay myself) by the end of episode 2 and it is very left-leaning in general. Some moments like the financial crash or the nuclear attack are legitimately terrifying! Some commentary like the subtle way the black wife's attitude to the mother in law changes over time I appreciated, and the heavy reliance we have on technology.

However I felt like the Emma Thompson far-right character is very transparently Nigel Farage/Marin Le Penn and I found that a bit hard to stomach given that they used President Trump himself as the main villain (the democratically elected leader of the free world who has, to date, been very anti-war in fact) but chickened out of depicting Nigel Farage in such a way.

I also found the fact that...let's see, we have gay characters, a disabled character, an asylum seeker, an inter-racial couple and even a trans-human in the same family slightly...unusual. There comes a point where the relentless pursuit of diversity becomes comical, albeit unintentionally and it shows the mindset of the BBC and RTD that it's seen as believable and desirable to have this in a show even if it's hard to then take seriously. Definitely one for the Guardian readers, but it's quite entertaining if you switch your brain off and let's face it, you can't go wrong with a bit of Russell Tovey.
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