The Hit List (2019– )
They missed a letter off the title
26 June 2019
UK TV has a long history of music quiz shows from Face the music, Name that tune, Pop Quiz and Buzzcock's which each has been entertaining for anyone who likes to test their music knowledge and this is the latest attempt at a prime time show. The basic format is relatively well structured working against the clock and the other teams to identify popular music clips to win a cash prise - That's the good part, unfortunately this is 2019 and we have to adhere to Right-on producers idea of what must be included in a show, so we have lots of whooping and screaming accompanied by crass cliche's : Give it up for (who) Make some noise ?? everybody is "Amazzzing" It's as though the X Factor's audience has been pushed into a studio when there's been a technical delay and they are confused by what's in the studio so they just carry on screaming. What can you say about the presenters, well I use that term loosely - two flavours of the month attempting to wing their way through their Auto cue challenge punctuating their interaction with the contestants with witless bland comments and the constant repetition of O-Kayee ! I counted this repeated over 70 times in one show. It's these 2 who destroy the show with their amateur attempt at fronting a programme, they would be more suited to a Saturday morning slot on QVC I think the producers should recruit people who have some actual ability and watch a few episodes of Buzzcocks and have a re-think.
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