The Simpsons: Mr. Plow (1992)
Season 4, Episode 9
Great Episode
25 June 2019
Review Date 6/25/2019

I have Reviewed OVER 500 "Christmas Films and Specials". Please BEWARE Of films and specials with just one review! For instance When "It's a POSITIVE" chances are that the reviewer was involved with the production. "If its Negative" then they may have a grudge against the film for whatever reason. I am fare about these films.

In the episode, Homer buys a snow plow and starts a business plowing driveways. It is a huge success, and inspired by this, Barney Gumble starts a rival company and quickly puts Homer out of business.

Every joke works. The story is pure Simpsons. Please if your not a fan of the show watch this episode!
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