Watch Me (2006)
25 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film is a low budget "Ring" rip-off. People die after watching a porno-snuff film either from a disc or on the Internet. A young pale woman with punk dyed red hair appears, walks like something from Juon (at times) and then kills the viewer. Sometimes people disappear a matter of seconds after watching the film, sometimes they drag it out. Because of the low budget aspect you don't see any killing, so they attempt to create suspense by playing the same 4 piano notes over and over. Toward the end of the film we discover there is an additional mystery aspect that wasn't developed, and that is some people who view the film don't get killed, but they don't know why.

The movie has that super VHS quality to it. The best part is that the pain of watching this film lasts for just 78 minutes...if you don't kill yourself before it is over. Lines not well written. Characters not developed. Plot has no sanity.

F-bomb, no sex, no nudity.
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