Child's Play (2019)
7.5/10⭐ - Makes Thrillers Look Like Child's Play!
21 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have noticed a something about Chucky fans and good reviews - they cannot coexist!!! They all say that this has no meaning to the original franchise and thus reject it as irrelevant. THIS IS NOT A CONTINUATION OF THE ORIGINAL!!! It's barely a reboot. A very different story.

It's dark. And gory. And creepy. Intense, at times. The first scene before the title had me thinking this was a thriller. With that in mind, the movie delivered.

This story has a lot to teach us, and while critics are saying that this movie tells us about the dangers of AI (they are probably right, in regards to the angle of the film), I see it as a window into our own dark nature. Everything that Chucky did reflected what he learnt from humans. He sees Andy enjoying seeing someone's face come off during a chainsaw horror movie, and then shows hatred towards someone who is disrupting his relationship with Chucky, so what does Chucky do? Exactly what he has learnt. You might say that Chucky himself was a victim here. Victim to a species of creatures (us) whose world doesn't make much sense. He was taught things that were destructive even though we experience them in our everyday lives - raw human emotions. In a world where we humans haven't even sorted ourselves out yet, we are 'forced' to give AI safety settings, because if they ever understood the world we live in, they might just find themselves in constant survival mode. All it took was a 'mistake' in the programming of a little toy doll to reveal how harmful the world can be on an innocent mind who simply wanted to learn.

I could ponder on several other themes from this movie, but to summarise the movie itself, it was good. Pretty gory and creepy, no doubt. After all, it is from the producers of 'It'. Though sadly it doesn't have the same flawless CGI as 'It'. Regardless, it was pretty darn good and I was surprised that it was only 90 minutes; it felt longer, even though I was enjoying it so much. Music was brilliant, as was Hamill. I'll definately be buying this one on DVD!
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