Flight Angels (1940)
Training the women of aviation
17 June 2019
Despite the exploits of Amelia Earhart which had already passed into legend it was clear that the place for women in the aviation profession was that of stewardess. So while Dennis Morgan and Wayne Morris fly the planes and break women's hearts in every place that has an airport, it's Virginia Bruce who is training the women to serve the passengers. Bruce and her best friend Jane Wyman have it bad for Morgan and Morris. But these two are having a great old time.

That is until some eye trouble grounds Morgan. And airline boss Ralph Bellamy gives Morgan a job showing the stewardesses the rudimentaries of flight. They actually get serious and get married and the usual complications follow.

Flight Angels was your typical routine B programmer from Warner Brothers. Jane Wyman was getting routinely cast in these things in the same part as the heroine's best friend. She could have been a second Eve Arden had she not gotten a break in The Lost Weekend and The Yearling and shown her acting chops.

Enjoyable, but routine.
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