Don't try this at home, kids!
10 June 2019
"Donald's Dilemma" is one of the first films to use a very common cliche for TV shows of the 50s and 60s. Early in the cartoon, a flower pot falls off a very high ledge and conks Donald in the head. Instantly, he is an all new duck....one that doesn't recognize Daisy and who is a crooner. In fact, he almost instantly becomes a huge sensation (like Sinatra in his prime) and the world is thrilled with the change. But Daisy is upset...and all she wants back is her cranky old Donald! So, she seeks out professional help...

Like all the Disney films of the era, the animation quality it tops and the cartoon is a wonderful counterpoint to the almost saccharine Mickey Mouse cartoons of the 1940s (where he is so nice...too nice if you ask me). Instead, this Daisy/Donald cartoon is violent and mean-spirited...exactly what most folks want out of a cartoon! Very enjoyable and nice to see a cartoon from Daisy's point of view.
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