Review of Ride

Ride (III) (2018)
Interesting premise but disappointing story-line
1 June 2019
Immediately, I felt this was going to be a low budget film that is wasting my time. But knowing that some of the best films are done in one location or with as few as one actor, I wanted to give it a chance. Obviously, it held my interest enough, laying crumbs that I wanted to follow. But in the end (literally) we are left asking "You're kidding me?" The producer and writer had too much they wanted to imply, and therefore could not decide on any one direction. The film suffers for this. I would have liked to see it take a more dramatic turn of some kind after the many startling moments that amount to virtually nothing. I mean, maybe the girl and the killer were partners, or maybe the driver and the girl were playing people and ran up on the wrong guy. But instead, the producers insisted on trying to make it more relevant than artistic. I wouldn't say don't watch it, but it's really one of those that will most appeal to Uber and Lyft passengers who have a crush on one of the actors. My other gripe would be: why is it called Ride instead of Ryde (the name of the uber-style company)? That made it very difficult to find when trying to read or post reviews. I actually had to look i up by the actor's name. And if I could post one more gripe: It's very annoying to see reviews that start with a quite synopsis of the film. We are not interested in the outline, we just want your opinion of the film itself. Please don't start with "We see James, a L.A. driver just wanting to become an actor... " We already know that and it just wastes everyone's time.
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