Anita (1973)
"Society discriminates against anyone who deviates from the norm."
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When reading reviews from prolific IMDb reviewers,this title stuck out,partly thanks to the review by lazarillo,but also due to the easy on the eye poster at the time with Christina Lindberg. Making a note of the flick,I was happy to find it in a Swedish Erotica DVD collection,which led to me finding out how much of a nymphet Anita is.

View on the film:

Making remarkable progression from the plodding The Language of Love, (1969-also reviewed) co-composer/(with Lennart Fors)/production designer/ writer/director Torgny Wickman takes the naturalism displayed within the sex scenes of Language to the kitchen sink Drama of Anita, as Wickman & cinematographer Hans Dittmer cram the camera into cramped real locations, where the restrained tracking shots reflect Anita's inability to become freed from the tight grip of her obsession. Whilst Anita looks sexy, Wickman subtly clips the erotic with fading,dour colours and icy close-ups on Anita's face left feeling unfulfilled.

Having Anita sleep with anyone with a pulse, the screenplay by Wickman presents a thoughtful examination of nymphomania, via each "partner" Anita has drifting away anonymously, leaving Anita alone with her consuming obsession, which Anita goes increasingly to the outskirts of to get a hit for her craving, that ends up leaving any attempt family/friends make to build a bond ruined. In the midst of all the sex, Wickman is impressively able to find a young innocence in Anita's relationship with Erik,thanks to Erik being given an open, compassionate stance, which remains firm even when running into Anita being in the moment of trying satisfy her craving.

Revealing decades later he had fallen deeply in love with the actress on set,but kept it quiet due to "Her being out of my league",Stellan Skarsgard gives a outstanding turn as Erik, who Skarsgard avoid from looking like a push-over by gradually building his empathic mind-set to helping Anita, and also capturing in his open body language Erik falling in love. Looking incredibly alluring, Christina Lindberg gives a fantastic performance which balances a erotic sensuality with a psychological awareness of everything else in her life crumbling, and Anita grinding down to the risk of the only company she will have left in her nymphomania.
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